The full form of IEC is Importer- Exporter Code. IEC is regarded as a key business identification number that is compulsory for the purpose of export from India as well for the purpose of import to India. Without having an IEC no export as well as import must be made by any person

The abbreviation of IEC is Importer- Exporter Code. IEC is regarded as a key business identification number that is compulsory for the purpose of export from India as well for the purpose of import to India. Without having an IEC no export as well as import must be made by any person. The following documents required in case of proprietor are:

  • Pan Card.
  • Aadhar Card.
  • Electricity Bill or Rent Deed.
  • Cancel Cheque.

The full form of IEC is Importer- Exporter Code. IEC is regarded as a key business identification number that is compulsory for the purpose of export from India as well for the purpose of import to India. Without having an IEC no export as well as import must be made by any person. The documents required in case of Partnership are as follows:

  • Partnership Firm Pan Card.
  • Partnership Deed.
  • Aadhar Card and Pan Card of all partners.
  • Cancel Cheque of Partnership Firm.

IEC is regarded as a key business identification number that is compulsory for the purpose of export from India as well for the purpose of import to India. Without having an IEC no export as well as import must be made by any person. It is not a hard process but an easy process to obtain IEC Code from the DGFT within a time span of 10-15 days after the submission of the application. After the IEC Code is obtained, the code is used for the purpose of import as well as export. The validity of IEC Code remains for its lifetime unless and until one's cancelled it.